Monday, October 3, 2011


I've definitely made some huge changes in my life. Which in my opinion (which is the only one that matters) was all for the best! I've gotten closer to my family, I've gotten closer to some old friends and lastly and most importantly God. I have never been the type to revolve my life around my religion, let alone even believe half of what any of it was it about. But after Hunter left I found myself drawing closer and closer to my religion. People say I only changed because of him but I consciously made this decision way before I met him. He just helped boost it in to action! Any one that knows me knows that I was out of control.. I definitely have came a long way than when I first started. Don't get me wrong it would be the easiest thing in the world to just call it quits and move on with my life doing the "easy thing" which would involve me just doing whatever I want whenever I want, getting messed up out of my mind. But I find myself doing things that are going to benefit me in the long run and I couldn't be any more content than that. My prayers are answered in the craziest ways which excites me even more. I notice myself getting smarter (which is even more weird). I look around myself and realize that the people I used to associate myself with are not even happy.. How could putting others down make YOU happy? All in all I can say that my life has changed for the better, and I'm never going back.