Thursday, May 19, 2011

Everything Changes..

I don't quite know how to feel exactly. Happy because I know they are in love and they are happy with each other, or sad because I know that I can no longer go downstairs and talk to her whenever I need her or just feel like talking. This really IS a bitter sweet feeling. She's my best friend even when times are tough. I do things that make her mad or that disappoint her, but yet she still loves me and always will. A sister bond is different than any other bond you can form in this entire world. She's strong and she's beautiful and I have no idea what I would do without her.. People keep telling me it's all a part of life, blahblahblah! BUT I know this is different than most peoples experiences with their siblings moving out and starting a life of their own.. I think that is the reason why I have been distancing myself, I'm scared.. I'm scared that I won't be able to see her when I wanna see her, or talk to her when I wanna talk to her. Everything changes when she gets married tomorrow and it really is freaking me out. I was asked to give a toast and I have no clue what to say because I know I will probably just end up crying the whole time haha. Don't get me wrong I'm more than happy for Brandon and my sister. I just know this is going to take some getting used to. Hopefully everything will turn out and will run smoothly. I love you both and I can not wait for you to be happily married!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

MY Mom :)

We all love our moms, that is a given. They raised us, cooked for us, provided for us, loved us and put us above everything else. Today is the day you give thanks to your mom and remind her how thankful you are for her. Whether your mom is your dad, grandparent, foster parent or step mom, they are still your mom. I especially want to give thanks to my beautiful mother. I've put her through more than any mom deserves, but yet she STILL loves me and always will. I could never be any more grateful than I am today for having her as MY mom. She's my rock and my everything. Without her I wouldn't be the person I am today. She understands me better than anyone else and knows exactly what I need to do, even when I don't want to hear it. She is the most beautiful mother in the world and I am so glad that I look exactly like her ;)

Mom you are wonderful and you are strong. NEVER EVER forget it! I LOVE YOU! <3 Happy Mothers Day.