Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I know I said I would not be negative, but this is just something that I need to vent and get off my chest. GIRLS WHO HAVE OR WANT BOYFRIENDS for all of the wrong reasons! It drives me nuts.. It's one thing to have a boyfriend and to have mutual trust and care about each other and its another to want them just because you feel left out, sad or lonely. Don't get me wrong having a boyfriend is the best at times, but it can also be the worst too. A few of my friends have what I would consider unhealthy relationships. They can't go places or do things without being questioned or getting into a fight about it. ANOTHER thing, don't blow your friends off to hang out with your boyfriend, because all you're doing right there is burning bridges with the people that will ALWAYS be there for you vs. the boy that might not be there a few days later! I have gotten this more than once about me being anti-relationship/boyfriend. NO i'm not anti anything. I'm anti the fact that people just so carelessly get into a relationship that is based solely on hooking up or getting something out of it (rewards)! Again don't get me wrong I have been one of those people, but after growing up and realizing that relationships are more than just those "rewards", I know to be more careful then to just go throw myself into something that i'm not fully ready to be in. 

I see couples that are completely and genuinely happy with each other (Jordan Lowry and Ashley Bridenstine :)) I've told them  more than once that I just love them together because they are the type of couple where you could hang out with them both and not feel weird, you just know that they sincerely love each others company. That's the kind of relationship that I would not mind having a duplicate version of for myself. Or for another example my sister and her fiance. YEAH I know they get in stupid fights and get mad at each other for dumb things, but they really do love each other and you can see it by the way they just look at each other. If I could find a boy half as good and just as loving as Brandon I would totally tell him to put a ring on it. But no boys have showed me that side of them. Wait, that's a lie. I know boys that have and I know boys that would do anything for me if I asked, I'm just not ready to put myself out there like that. I'm only 19, I still have 10 plus years to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. That's why there's so much freaking divorce nowadays because you have kids graduating and jumping into relationships solely based on the fact that they dated all through high school and they feel like they could spend the rest of their lives with each other. Or the "rebound" relationships, those also drive me nuts. Yeah we get that you're sad and lonely but HEY there are a million other people out there that are feeling the exact same way as you and aren't jumping into a relationship to get back at your ex or to make themselves feel good! 

I really could rant and rave about how there are so many stupid people in this world who just throw their heart around and give it out like its candy but then I really would just be another negative relationship hater and i'm not :) 

If you're happy then GOOD FOR YOU. But don't come to me and tell me how lonely you are and how you just want to kill your boyfriend right now because you know what, you know how I feel about them and my opinion isn't going to get any better of how I feel about you guys together. 

P.S. I'm not anti-boyfriend :) I am just waiting for the RIGHT guy to come around because I am sick of wasting my energy and love into something that isn't going any where! 
That is all! Thank you for reading!

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