Monday, April 25, 2011

The start..

Just recently I had what you might consider, a "wake up call". I woke up way sick, sicker than I have ever been in my life. My body was aching, my throat was swollen and throbbing along with my head, I was SO weak that I didn't even really get out of bed for 3 days. I had surgery that Friday and you could say that all together I was FREAKING OUT. I mentally broke down one night, texted the one person I knew would never turn his back on me, my brother. I asked him to pray for me, he then began to ask me if I was okay, I told him I was I just was so sick that I needed more than just medicine to help  me out with this one. This was the first time in a long time that I had turned to prayer as a way to help me out of a crappy situation. One might say yeah so what you're sick. Well this was like the millionth time being sick in a period of a month, and I had a somewhat risky surgery that I needed to be well for on Friday. He wasn't the only one that I had praying for me, I also started praying again along with some of my good friends, THANK YOU. It really did help. I received a blessing on Thursday night, that also helped and made me feel so content and at ease with the whole situation.
You could say that I live my life careless and crazy and I do whatever I want, because you would be right. Lately, well for a few months now I have been living my life the way I want in no regards to the way my mom or my family feel about it. Well, it's finally catching up to me, in a  not so healthy way. And I can honestly say that i'm done with my party lifestyle until I am mature enough to handle all of the consequences that come along with it.. It's time for me to grow up and become somebody and something that I know that I CAN BE. This one experience has made me decide to start blogging also.. Someone wise once told me, you feel better when you get things down on paper.. In my case it will be in  my blog, and I am so excited to start it. I never thought of myself as a good writer so we will see how this unfolds itself. Bear with me!

So let me tell you a little bit about my life.. My name is Cassandra Lee Knuth, I have 3 siblings, Samantha (22), Taylor (18), and Mckenzie (16)... OH and how could I forget about my soon to be Brother-In-Law Brandon,  in approximately 25 days from now (May 20,2011)!  I can not tell you how excited I am to finally have an older brother that is somewhat, kinda cool ;)..He is SO lucky to marry someone so amazing like my sister Sam.
I grew up with two parents.. Jennifer and Nathan. My dad was really never around, so I'd say that my mom was technically a single parent and did a really good job. So here I am 19 now, just finished my first year of college, who would have thought that I could have done that! I work as a server, at Brick Oven Pizza. I'm single, and I like it that way as of right now at least.. I feel that changing here soon though, which is very weird for me to say. I have the best of best friends ever Liz Cahoon, Alyssa Gardner and Fabian Ramierez. Lately I've been talking and hanging out with Ashley Bridenstine a lot! I love them :) I know that I can count on them for anything, even when we are kind of sick of each other.. haha ;) 
I would say that I'm the black sheep of the family, any one that knows me would say that I am! My family is amazing though and has tolerated my craziness. And through everything, I know that I can count on them. Fabian told me that 2011 is going to be my year, and its kind of sad that I am just now starting to believe that he is right! I am so excited for all these things that are beginning to take their place in my life! I know that I am in store for one crazy ride. 

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