Monday, April 25, 2011

Positive Attitude Brings Positive Things!

I'm usually a very positive person, and along with being positive comes being strong. I always try to look for the good in every situation but before this last week, I was in this slump of just being negative. I didn't want to be home, I didn't want to do anything. You could say that I was somewhat depressed and unhappy, more unhappy with myself than anything else. Along with this new found attitude, I have just become what feels like a whole new person! I'm so happy all of the time, and I absolutely love it. The past week so many unfortunate things have happened.. I got pulled over, and received a ticket for going 9 over. Well really, I was going 45 in a 30, and I really believe that it is part of this whole bad karma thing. 

When you do bad things you attract all of the possible bad. When you are doing good things, good things happen to you! This wasn't the first incident where my bad doing attracted bad things, but what can you do? Along with this speeding ticket that I should have been way more upset about, I got sick and then I had surgery which may I add made me lose feeling to my ear and the lower part of my jaw, AND its going to cost me a lot more than what I can afford BUT you know what at least I'm tumor free now and I couldn't be any more GRATEFUL. Don't get me wrong ALL of these things put a damper on my whole mood, but for some reason it didn't get me down the way things a few weeks ago would have got me down. I'm still so very happy and I love it! I love life! And for the first time in my life I can say that things are only getting better from here on out. I'm on a whole new kick of having a positive attitude because who wants to associate themselves with someone who only sees the negative in every situation. NOT ME. 

I have a job, I have the most amazing family and friends, I have a home, I have a lot more than most people do and I'm thankful everyday for all of these blessings in my life. I love my new found positive attitude! 

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