Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Things Fall Apart, So Better Things Can Come Together.

I sit here and think about all the great things I have going for myself right now in my life... I have an amazing family, some great close friends, I attend school and I have a pretty good job. Recently some friendships/relationships have ended, I'm not too happy about it but honestly what can you do? I know I'm a hard person to deal with, I have a lot of flaws that I personally need to work out myself. But all in all I'd say I'm a pretty great person and I have a big heart. So through losing a few things in my life I've gained some good things! Hunter.. Honestly I have no idea how this even happened.. It was out of nowhere.. I met him a year ago at a party, and never spoke to him ever again! A little less than two months ago I re-met him at a going away party for a friend. The funny thing about this situation is that his friend was a little more into me than he was, but something about him just pulled me in. He texted me on the number I had given his friend a few nights before, due to the fact that I was not fast enough to give it to him myself ;) We then began talking every day, he took me on a date, then that one date turned into two, then three and so on! I've seen him pretty much every day since probably our second date. I honestly can not get enough. He makes me happy, he doesn't judge me, he cares for me and has yet to disappoint me. But wait it's not over yet. I mentioned him in my last blog, he is my missionary. He leaves July 13th. I swear just yesterday he was leaving in like seven weeks.. He leaves in three, and this makes me so sad. In this short time of knowing him I'm feeling things I don't think I have ever felt before. He means SO much to me and I know that he will be a great missionary. A part of me wishes I would have met him after his mission but then another part of me is so thankful that I met him when I did. He's showed me a few things about myself I didn't even know existed. I couldn't thank him enough. I love you, Hunter. You're amazing! :)

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